(gentle music) - Alice?
- Jack?
Well, your picture didn't lie.
- Yours is an understatement.
- We'll go to my apartment.
You're great and you're kind and you're handsome and you're a good lover.
- I can see why you want me to go.
♪ Oh you got me tied up.
- [Paul] Don't do it.
- Why not?
♪ She could feel it hold on.
- [Paul] She told you not to and she threw you out of her flat.
As far as signals go, those are pretty clear.
- Then she'll never call me again and we'll all continue forward instead of backsliding into a giant vat of pain.
- [Paul] Except, she's here.
(guitar playing) - [Jack] You ever been with the same person twice?
- Tonight will be the first time.
(Jack thuds) (water splashing) - You're kidding me.
(door knocking) - [Alice] Hello.
- Hey.
- Hi.
- [Alice] If I could be with anyone in the world, it would be with you.
But it would end in ruins.
♪ So if this is our last night - [Lynn] Who's Alice?
- She's an ex.
- [Paul] An ex.
What was Chernobyl?
A mishap?
- Life is pretty simple for a lot of people.
They fall in love and they're all set.
No suffering.
I should try that.
♪ Before you say goodbye - [Alice] Jack.
- [Jack] For those of you who have not spent a lot of time with Alice, ♪ Won't you hold me like you used to ♪ be ready for nothing to make sense, and yet for everything to make sense.
♪ I'll be seeing you again.
- [Alice] I just wanna be right here in this moment and then the next after that, and then pretty soon we're talking about a whole lifetime of great moments.
♪ I'll be seeing you again, but I don't know when.
♪ (Jack cheering) (Alice laughing) - Are you ready?
- I'm so ready.
(Jack chuckles) (gentle music) (gentle music) (gentle music stops)