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Andrew Sean Greer, author of "Less." Credit: Kaliel Roberts.

The June pick for the PBS NewsHour-New York Times book club is ‘Less’

We’re excited to announce that “Less” by Andrew Sean Greer is our June pick for the PBS NewsHour-New York Times book club, “Now Read This.”

"Less," by Andrew Sean Greer. Credit: Lee Boudreaux Books

“Less,” by Andrew Sean Greer. Credit: Lee Boudreaux Books

It’s a laugh-out-loud comedic novel about a failed writer named Arthur Less — referred to throughout the book only as “Less” — who sets out on a round-the-world trip to avoid attending his ex-boyfriend’s wedding. “Less” won the Pulitzer Prize for fiction this year.

After receiving the news of the Pulitzer, Greer, who is the author of six novels, expressed surprise and gratitude on Twitter, where he wrote of the book:

“All I can say is that it is about the foolishness of American myopia, the uneasiness of being gay in the world, the difficulties of love, but most of all it is about joy. A writer friend once said the hardest thing to write about is joy. I took it as a challenge.”

In the New York Times Book Review, Christopher Buckley wrote of “Less”:

“Convulsed in laughter a few pages into Andrew Sean Greer’s fifth novel, ‘Less,’ I wondered with regret why I wasn’t familiar with this author. ‘Less’ is the funniest, smartest and most humane novel I’ve read since Tom Rachman’s 2010 debut, ‘The Imperfectionists.’”

In the coming days, we’ll post discussion questions for the book, an annotated page, and writing advice from Greer. And at the end of the month, Greer will answer your questions on air.

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