
Subject: Media Literacy

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Daily News Lesson April 07 2024

Brooks and Capehart discuss war in Gaza following deaths of World Central Kitchen aid workers

<bound method CaptionedImage.default_alt_text of <CaptionedImage: Screen-Shot-2021-03-05-at-8.31.21-AM-e1614951141344>>
Lesson Plan March 14 2024

Invention education lessons where your students are the inventors!

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Post March 11 2024

Educator Voice: How teachers can support students during Ramadan

<bound method CaptionedImage.default_alt_text of <CaptionedImage: How2Internet: Produce a fact-check video>>
Lesson Plan March 05 2024

How2Internet: How to produce a fact-check video

<bound method CaptionedImage.default_alt_text of <CaptionedImage: FILE PHOTO: Man types on computer keyboard in this illustration picture taken>>
Daily News Lesson February 14 2024

How AI-generated misinformation threatens election integrity

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Daily News Lesson February 12 2024

Can social media companies safeguard the 2024 election against misinformation?

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Daily News Lesson February 08 2024

Meta executive on the challenges of AI misinformation

<bound method CaptionedImage.default_alt_text of <CaptionedImage: How2Internet: Search safely online like a pro>>
Lesson Plan January 31 2024

How2Internet: Search safely online like a pro

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Daily News Lesson January 03 2024

The online information war over fake content linked to Israel-Hamas conflict

<bound method CaptionedImage.default_alt_text of <CaptionedImage: FILE PHOTO: The logo of Meta Platforms' business group>>
Daily News Lesson December 28 2023

States sue Meta over 'addictive' apps and danger to young people


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Illustrations by Annamaria Ward