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January’s pick for the PBS NewsHour-New York Times book club is ‘Heart’

We’re excited to announce that “Heart” by Sandeep Jauhar is the January pick for the PBS NewsHour-New York Times book club, “Now Read This.”

“Heart: A History.” Credit: FSG

Heart: A History” is an exploration of our most vital organ and favored metaphor. Jauhar, a cardiologist, surveys the heart from all angles — the public and personal history, as inspiration for poets and scientists, what it means for doctor and patient alike.

In The New York Times Book Review, author Randi Hutter Epstein calls the book “strange and captivating… a physician excited about his specialty… his journey to understand this organ that has mystified and frightened him ever since he was a child.”

In the coming days, we’ll post discussion questions for “Heart,” an annotated excerpt and writing advice from Jauhar. And at the end of the month, he will answer your questions on the PBS NewsHour.

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