Lidia Bastianich Celebrates 25 Years on Public Television!

25 Years with Lidia: A Culinary Jubilee ~ Premiered December 18, 2023, on PBS.

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    Join Lidia’s family and celebrity friends for an intimate look at the memorable moments of her life, both on and off the screen.

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  • “Whatever was given to me and I learned, the gifts along the way; they’re really not mine to keep. I feel a duty to pass it on.”

    - Lidia Bastianich



  • Watch Watch shorts from Lidia's 25th Anniversary Special, as well as highlights from previous adventures.
  • RecipesRecipes Learn how to make delicious recipes from Lidia's past specials.
  • Previous Lidia Celebrates America SpecialsPast Lidia Specials Celebrate America by re-visiting previous Lidia specials.
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