Harvesting fiddleheads is a springtime tradition in Wabanaki culture. See more at PBS Food. Continue
Harvesting fiddleheads is a springtime tradition in Wabanaki culture. See more at PBS Food. Continue
Clafoutis is a classic French dessert, falling somewhere between a thick crepe and a sweet quiche. Continue
The first time I saw a photo of one of John Forti’s epic heirloom salads, I knew we had to make an episode about them. John’s salads are works of art and they have blown up and expanded my previously limited notions of what a garden salad can be. It’s like a salad big bang! His salads encourage us all to tune in, and look around our yards and gardens for leaves, flowers, seeds, and plants that we may not have previously thought of as salad material.
One challenge when you’re blessed with access to plenty of fresh local vegetables is what to do with them all. How do you prepare them in a way that brings out their flavors and makes everyone want to eat them? Vegetable farmer John Yanga has spent a lot of time pondering this very question.
Fire cider has all the fiery flavors, including hot peppers, horseradish, garlic, and ginger, to name a few. Add the sweetness of honey and the tangy bite of apple cider vinegar and you will be sold! It is perfect when it’s really cold outside and you need your insides warmed and your body energized. Continue
I often get requests for recipes that are less reliant on butter & eggs, and that are gluten-free, so I wanted to come up with a fun plant-based recipe that would be refreshing for these sweltering heat waves we’ve been having, and also gluten-free. (And not require an ice cream maker since I don’t have one!)
When I bite into a strawberry cream puff, I am instantly transported to summers at my grandmother’s house in Nova Scotia. Continue
We’re always told we need to eat more greens and this pie is packed with an assortment of spinach, chard, dandelion greens, lambsquarters, and fresh green herbs. Continue
Sylvia’s wheat berry salad is a flavorful and nourishing expression of her belief in the importance of self-sufficiency. Continue