Defying the Nazis: The Sharps' War tells the story of a daring rescue mission that occurred on the precipice of World War II. It tells the previously untold account of Waitstill and Martha Sharp, an American minister and his wife from Wellesley, Massachusetts, who left their children behind in the care of their parish and boldly committed to a life-threatening mission in Europe. Over two dangerous years they helped save scores of imperiled Jews and refugees fleeing the Nazi occupation across Europe.
The 90-minute documentary is directed by Artemis Joukowsky, III and legendary filmmaker Ken Burns serves as Producer, Executive Producer, and Presenter of the project. Tom Hanks and humanitarian Marina Goldman are the featured actors in the film, lending their voices to Waitstill and Martha Sharp. The film premiered September 20, 2016 along with a companion book by the same name.
Premiered September 20, 2016.
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