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  • Poisoned Ground: The Tragedy at Love Canal

    Premieres April 22, 2024

    In the late 1970s, residents of Love Canal in Niagara Falls, NY discovered their neighborhood had been built on a former chemical waste dump. Housewives activated to create a grassroots movement that galvanized the landmark Superfund Bill.

  • The Cancer Detectives

    Aired March 26, 2024 | 53 min

    The Cancer Detectives tells the untold story of the first-ever war on cancer and the coalition of people who fought tirelessly to save women from cervical cancer—which was once the number one cancer killer of women.

  • The Cancer Detectives (español)

    Aired March 26, 2024

    The Cancer Detectives cuenta la desconocida historia de la primera guerra contra el cáncer y de la coalición de personas que lucharon incansablemente por salvar a las mujeres del cáncer de cuello uterino, que alguna vez fue el cáncer más mortal para las mujeres.

  • Fly With Me

    Aired February 20, 2024 | 113 min

    The story of the pioneering women who changed the world while flying it. Maligned as feminist sellouts, “stewardesses,” as they were called, were on the frontlines of a battle to assert gender equality and transform the workplace. 

  • Fly With Me (español)

    Aired February 20, 2024 | 113 min

    La historia de las mujeres pioneras que cambiaron el mundo mientras lo recorrían volando. Aunque les criticaron su feminismo, las “azafatas”, como se les llamaba, estuvieron a la vanguardia de la lucha por garantizar la igualdad de género y transformar los lugares de trabajo.

  • Nazi Town, USA

    Aired January 23, 2024 | 53 min

    Nazi Town, USA tells the unknown story of the German American Bund, a 1930s pro-Nazi group with chapters in suburbs and big cities across the country. Many believe the Bund represented a real threat of fascist subversion in the U.S.

  • Nazi Town, USA (español)

    Aired January 23, 2024

    Nazi Town, USA cuenta la desconocida historia del Bund, la Federación Germano-Americana, un grupo pronazi de la década de 1930 con divisiones en suburbios y ciudades por todo el país. Muchos creen que el Bund representaba una amenaza real de subversión fascista en Estados Unidos.

  • The War on Disco

    Aired October 30, 2023 | 53 min

    The War on Disco explores the culture war that erupted over the rise of Disco music. The hostility came to a head on July 12, 1979, when a riot led by rock fans broke out at “Disco Demolition Night” during a baseball game in Chicago.

  • The War on Disco (español)

    Aired October 30, 2023 | 53 min

    La guerra contra la música disco explora la guerra cultural que estalló por el auge de la música disco. La hostilidad llegó a un punto crítico el 12 de julio de 1979 durante un partido de béisbol en Chicago, cuando la “Noche de la demolición de la música disco” terminó en disturbios liderados por fanáticos del rock.

  • The Harvest: Integrating Mississippi's Schools

    Aired September 12, 2023 | 113 min

    Explore what happened when the small Mississippi town of Leland integrated its public schools in 1970. Told through the remembrances of students, teachers and parents, the film shows how the town – and America – were transformed.

  • The Harvest: Integrating Mississippi's Schools (español)

    Aired September 12, 2023 | 113 min

    Explore lo que sucedió cuando la pequeña ciudad de Leland en Misisipi integró sus escuelas públicas en 1970. Contada a través de los recuerdos de estudiantes, maestros y padres de familia, la película muestra cómo se transformaron la ciudad y el país.

  • The Busing Battleground

    Aired September 11, 2023 | 113 min

    The Busing Battleground viscerally captures the class tensions and racial violence that ensued when Black and white students in Boston were bused for the first time between neighborhoods to comply with a federal desegregation order.