About the Filmmakers

Ken Burns Ken Burns
College Behind Bars<\/em><\/a>, aired on PBS in 2019. The 80 hours of acclaimed PBS programming she has created in collaboration with Ken Burns include <em><a href=https://www.pbs.org/"https:////www.pbs.org//kenburns//the-vietnam-war///">The Vietnam War<\/a>, <em><a href=https://www.pbs.org/"http:////www.pbs.org//kenburns//baseball///">Baseball, <em><a href=https://www.pbs.org/"https:////www.pbs.org//kenburns//jazz/">Jazz, <\/em><em><a href=https://www.pbs.org/"https:////www.pbs.org//flw///">Frank Lloyd Wright<\/a>, <a href=https://www.pbs.org/"http:////www.pbs.org//thewar///">The War<\/a>,<\/em> and <em><a href=https://www.pbs.org/"https:////www.pbs.org//kenburns//prohibition/">Prohibition \u2013 these landmark series have garnered 19 Emmy nominations. One of the most respected documentary filmmakers and story tellers in America, Novick herself has received Emmy, Peabody and Alfred I. duPont Columbia Awards.<br \/><\/p><\/p>","entryUrl":"","readMore":"","title":"Lynn Novick","url":"https:\/\/d1z5o5vuzqe9y4.cloudfront.net\/uploads\/LYNN_NOVICK_full.jpg"}" data-tags="">
Lynn Novick Lynn Novick
The Vietnam War<\/a> (2017), <a href=https://www.pbs.org/"http:////www.pbs.org//kenburns//prohibition/">Prohibition <\/a>(2011), <a href=https://www.pbs.org/"http:////www.pbs.org//thewar///">The War<\/a> (2007) and <a href=https://www.pbs.org/"http:////www.pbs.org//kenburns//jazz//home///">Jazz <\/a>(2001). Most recently, Sarah was the Senior Producer of the four-part docuseries <a href=https://www.pbs.org/"https:////www.pbs.org//kenburns//college-behind-bars/">College Behind Bars<\/a>, which received two Emmy nominations and highlighted the transformative power of education in a highly effective prison education program in New York State.<\/p><\/p>","entryUrl":"","readMore":"","title":"Sarah Botstein","url":"https:\/\/d1z5o5vuzqe9y4.cloudfront.net\/uploads\/Filmmakers\/Sarah-Botstein-photo-01.jpg"}" data-tags="">
Sarah Botstein Sarah Botstein
Geoffrey Ward Geoffrey Ward

Salimah El-Amin
Lucas Frank
Vanessa Gonzalez-Block
Jonah Velasco
Bella Feinstein

Q&A with Lynn Novick and Sarah Botstein

What led you to take on Hemingway as a subject?

LYNN NOVICK: We always have a lot of projects and ideas circulating. Hemingway is such an iconic American writer. When I went to Key West on vacation in the 1990's, and went into that room where he worked, and saw his typewriter and his objects that belonged to him, and thought about what he did in that room, I immediately asked myself “how did I not look at this before? Hemingway is a great subject for a documentary.” It took us a long time to get here while working on other projects, and just trying to navigate the process to be able to show his words. And, here we are many years later sharing his story.

How was this process different from your other films and other collaborations?

SARAH BOTSTEIN: Lynn and I always say that part of our process is the same no matter what film we're making, we sort of start in one place and get to another. But each subject lends itself to meeting different types of people, and doing things in somewhat of a different order. Every one of us who read Hemingway’s works saw something different. So, it's not just how we were dealing with the text in the words, but what we were showing. Are we showing a forest, a lake, a lamp? Are we being literal? It’s the old editing expression, say dog, see dog. We don't like to do that, but sometimes it's really helpful and necessary. I think for Hemingway it was what are we going to show? How are we going to deal with his words? He lived all over the world and are we going to send a crew to Africa, or are we going to spend some time in France? Are we going to go to Key West? We ended up really feeling like his home in Cuba was essential.

LYNN NOVICK: Each film has its own logic and we get to meet amazing people. And that's one of the great joys of all the films we've made together, the Vietnam Veterans, the World War II veterans, the people who lived through Prohibition -- we touch history by meeting the people who lived through it. And for this meeting, some of the really extraordinary writers who commented on Hemingway and shared their perspectives was really an incredible privilege. To be able to send an email to Edna O'Brien and say, would you like to come and talk to us about Hemingway and get a note back that says “I would love to.” is such a joy.

How did you select the contemporary authors that you interviewed?

SARAH BOTSTEIN: We had a huge list of every writer that any of us thought may have either had won a Hemingway award, written about Hemingway, or may be influenced by Hemingway.

LYNN NOVICK: That was a fun, a fun project. I mean, it was kind of like a wish list or dream team. Part of it was actually each of us looking on our bookshelves and saying, who are our favorite writers? And maybe they might have something to say about Hemingway. One of my favorite novels of the last 20 years is “Cutting for Stone” by Abraham Verghese, which is a novel about a doctor from Ethiopia coming to America. And Abraham Verghese himself is a doctor from Ethiopia originally, and came to America. But obviously the novel is a fictional story and it was really a shot in the dark, knowing that Hemingway's father was a doctor who was interested in the role of doctor in society and exile and other things. So, I wrote to him hoping he might have something to say about Hemingway, and he wrote back within an hour. And then, Tobias Wolff has written about Hemingway before, and wrote a novel called “Old School,” about a bunch of high school kids who revere Hemingway and have a lot of interesting things happen to them. He was an easy one to consider. We tried to think outside the box of who might you expect, and who you might not expect.

What are your favorite takeaways from digging into Hemingway's relationship with women? 

LYNN NOVICK: Hemingway has this public image of being this extraordinarily masculine, kind of hypermasculine, macho guy, and that he did have a huge following among men. We spent a lot of time and effort to try to understand his relationship with the women in his life: his mother, his sisters, his four wives, other women that mattered to him, others who broke his heart. His portrayal of women in his work is complicated, very, very complicated. There's a lot that goes on below the surface. One of the people we interviewed said that the masculinity that he embraced and championed was actually kind of a straitjacket for him, and the way in which he really was. It was a problem. So, we looked into that, too, and how from our modern sensibility today, who he was back then. We probably only scratched the surface, but the women we have interviewed, the women in his life, and hearing the voices of his wives who have a lot to say, it’s very interesting.

He mythologized himself. Why do people mythologize? To woo other people and also to keep them at a distance. To feel inadequate, but to boast about being over-adequate.
Edna O'Brien, writer
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