Everybody needs someone to look after them at some point in their lives. For the millions of Americans at or approaching retirement age, the chances are they will need some type of assistance, either from friends or family, a hired…

Jun 16

How one entrepreneur found success over pancakes

A computer programmer and a kid in a Batman suit walk into a pancake house...it sounds like a joke, but it really happened, and now the programmer, Dave Vockell, has a new product to bring to market. It's an app…

Diet and exercise fads you see on TV or online usually sell themselves by featuring trim, athletic men and women in their 20s. But as the average age in the U.S. shifts older, there is a growing need for workouts…

Apr 29

Step over nursing homes and golf communities. More baby boomers are reaching 67 and, unsatisfied with just the status quo options for retirement, they are looking for unique lifestyles that satiate their desire to join an active, intellectually stimulating and…