Apr 03 Microsoft Verdict: Microsoft Broke Rules By PBS NewsHour Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson ruled that Microsoft violated federal antitrust laws by using its power to stifle competition and hurt consumers. Continue reading
Apr 01 Microsoft Talks Break Down By Admin, PBS NewsHour Talks between the Department of Justice and Microsoft broke down over the weekend. The following is a statement released April 1 by U.S. Court of Appeals Chief Judge Richard Posner in Chicago, the talks' mediator. Continue reading
Nov 02 Hi-Tech Healing By PBS NewsHour The Internet has been much maligned as a purveyor of pornography and much hyped as the future of business, work, travel and leisure, but one organization is on the ground trying to use new technologies for something concrete: a healing… Continue reading
Apr 19 Profile: Ken Auletta Ken Auletta has written the "Annals of Communications" column for The New Yorker since October, 1992. Continue reading
Apr 19 Forum: Ken Auletta on the Effect of New Telecommunications Act on the Internet The new Telecommunications Bill passed by Congress will have a sweeping effect on the way telephone and cable companies can do business. Continue reading
Jun 29 Watch Tempers Flare In Lines for Gasoline in 1979 By PBS NewsHour This MacNeil/Lehrer Report piece highlights the anguish caused by gas shortages at a station in Queens, New York in 1979. Continue watching