David Miles Jr., known as “The Godfather of Skate," has been the driving force behind the roller skating scene in the Bay Area of California for the past four decades. He’s known for making skating accessible through the Church of 8 Wheels, a funky roller rink in an old church. He gives his Brief But Spectacular take on spreading "Rolligion.”

Duration: 3:15

Brandon Stosuy is the author of several books on creativity and the co-founder and editor-in-chief of The Creative Independent. His latest book, "Sad Happens: A Celebration of Tears," began when Brandon noticed someone crying in public and decided to tweet about it. He shares his Brief But Spectacular take on crying in public.

Duration: 2:33

Charles Duhigg is a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and best-selling author whose latest book seeks to unlock the secret language of communication. He shares his Brief But Spectacular take on super communication.

Duration: 3:22

Adrian Antao is a high school English teacher at KIPP NYC. Adrian has worked with educators, coders and designers at the nonprofit Playlab.ai to develop Project Toni, an AI tool to support his students with their writing revisions. While many are worried about using AI in the classroom, Adrian has found real benefits. He shares his Brief But Spectacular take on harnessing AI in schools.

Duration: 4:3