May 25 Is Long-Term Care Insurance a Good Idea? By Paul Solman Registered nurse Susan Eager pays a house call visit to a patient in Denver, Colo. Photo by John Moore/Getty Images. Paul Solman frequently answers questions from the NewsHour audience on business and economic news on his Making Sen$e… Continue reading
Apr 23 Aging Population, Costs Worsen Medicare’s Long-term Prognosis Photo by John Moore/Getty Images On the PBS NewsHour Monday night, Ray Suarez will examine the grim reports released Monday by the trustees of Social Security and Medicare. Joining him to discuss the outlook for the Social Security program… Continue reading
Oct 14 What the Death of the CLASS Act Means for Long-Term Disability Care By Jason Kane Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius; Getty Images The Obama administration reversed course on a major provision of its landmark health care reform law Friday when Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius announced that the CLASS Act… Continue reading